Lead Stage Assessment & Scoring in B2b Marketing

In B2B marketing, before beginning with the lead generation activity, marketers need to assess the different stages to which the leads belong. The different lead stages can be classified into awareness, research, consider and trial. For each of these lead stages, marketers need to create effective content that will address the prospect’s need and queries. Also, one of marketing’s key challenges is to identify leads that provide the best opportunities for the sales team. So, along with lead stages, they also need to qualify leads using scores in order to improve Sales’ effectiveness and success.

At the research stage, offering good content can make a great deal of difference. Since the prospect has now acknowledged that he has a need and is looking for options, it is imperative to present the product or the service in the best possible light.

At the consider stage, the prospect is busy considering the company’s product/ service. So, at this stage, marketer’s need to provide content that will explain or make him understand how the product will solve the problem or provide a solution. This is the stage where engaging content such as features list, product guides, case studies, etc., will be of help.

At the trial stage, marketers will find that the prospect has moved beyond the consideration phase and wants to try the product to see if it fits his requirements. At every stage, marketers need to score leads that fit their profile.

Lead scoring helps to determine if the solution or product offered to the prospect interests him and whether the prospect fits the demographic and behavioral criteria set by the marketer. Lead scoring can be carried out to perfection using marketing automation software.

B2B marketing automation software can be effectively used for lead generation. Using marketing automation services, marketers can:

Score leads based on demographics and activities – The scores for leads are based on demographic profiles, online activity and any other criteria which marketers deem fit.

Trigger actionable alerts – Using automated email-sending software, marketers can expect to be notified when leads cross threshold scoring levels so that Sales teams can reach out to eligible prospects.

Build useful lists of high scoring leads – The software can be used to construct new prospect lists based on any set of characteristics that the marketer wishes to.

Create email templates that can be readily sent to high scoring leads.